
With July behind us you'd think maybe a little vacation from the holidays would be in order, but what fun would that be.

More Cottage fun

Persistent but not yet successful. Lets hear for commitment.

The annual visit from Jen and Raquel + kids

With the London Olympics underway, Robert thought it would be nice to send over
some new pijamas / everyday shorts and shirts to the kids for team GB.

A visit to Fitzroy Provincial Park with Doodoo
Is there really such a thing as too many marshmellows?

Time to explore

I think the kids have seen daddy watch too many scoring plays

End of soccer season means participation medals. only one more year of this for Thomas until he
gets to learn what winning and losing actually means, another three years for Sarah unfortunately.

While the medals are fun it would appear the kids enjoy the playing of soccer far more.

Nana's Birthday

Raceday for Thomas
His first ever race and once he realized the race had started he made some real strides and finished in a time of just under seven minutes

Still nothing but there's no quit in this kid.
Unfortunately the summer came to an end and Thomas never caught
a fish, but that didn't dampen his spirits, he'll just cath them next time.

More time at the Cottage

Hey look we're back in Richmond

Who says lego has too many tiny pieces that you can't play it outside.
The lawnmower may have something else to say about the matter, but at this stage the kids don't mow the lawns yet.

A Visit to Saunder's Farm.

Labour Day right around the corner and then back to school for the kids.

Suffice it to say over the course of the late spring and summer this year, there was not a lot of visible progress
at the Cottage because almost the entire summer was spent laying hardwood flooring and picking out,
sourcing and then ordering a kitchen which made its way to the Cottage in September.