
There's 104 days of summer vacation and school comes around just to end it.
The annual problem to our generation is finding a good way to spend it.
Like maybe.

Checking out fireworks on Canada Day.

Lets all go to the Cottage, Lets all go to the Cottage,
Lets all go to the Cottage and have ourselves a treat

Thomas got a fishing rod for his birthday, so what better time to try it out than right before bed.
All three of us managed to catch a combined, log, and branch in a tree; but our casts looked great.

If we didn't know better it could have been thought that Thomas had gills.

This year Sarah made huge strides in the water to the point where she undertook it upon herself
to jump off the wharf all by herself. We were all rather impressed. And when she climbed back
on to do it again we knew there was no turning back.

Thomas, without any floats, made good use of the boogy board as something to swim to after jumping off the wharf.

Thomas and Sarah are both now able to paddle, but that doesn't mean it isn't
still nice to paddled around the lake, eh Sarah.

Into the woods means trying to find anything that's big enough to climb.

Lets play whose pool is it

Marshmellow + Chocolate + Graham Cracker = Happy Kids

Sarah and Daddy enjoying a little extra morning sleep.

Family Holidays
First Stop Smuggler's Notch Vermont, otherwises known as the Caves.

Our billy-goats with an extra year under their belts demonstrated some crazy skills

Second Stop, Mt. Mansfield and a walk along the long trail to the summit of Vermont's highest peak.

This is the plack you get to touch when you reach the summit.

We were very fortunate, when we reached the top the clouds cleared and we were treated to a lovely sun filled snack break,
a real shame it didn't don on us to take any photos at that time.

Its amazing how much faster you go down than you go up, especially with billy goats

Thank you Thomas for the lovely picture

The confidence of our children is sometimes a little too much for their parents.

Rather proud of our mountain climbers

A picture of daddy in front of the long trail sign about fifteen years after he crossed the sign on his own headed south.

Third Stop, after a really good nights sleep and some time at the pool, it was time to check
out the waterfall that daddy, after having travelled this area much of his life, did not know about.

Having found this wonderful oasis we will certainly make sure to be back to this spot.

After a short break from the hike up from the waterfall, we made our way to the Stowe adventure park.

That confidenc thing rears its ugly head again. Kind of makes you realize what you put your parents through.

Look what we climbed.

Snacks at the hotel...

before heading out to explore.

Can't remember what stop this is, but a visit to Plattsburg beach was awesome.
The waves were great and the best part of all, no salt water to spit out of your mouth.

It would appear the kids are a little tired.

and the aftermath of the storm. Rather amazingly neither the fort nor the pool were damages.

Back to the Cottage for some time on the water, and in it.

Sarah and her third cousin, or is it fourth cousin, ahh forget it, Sarah and her friend from
Calagay, Elliott who taught her how to smile with a pepper in her mouth

You know what?
Chicken but.

Twister and more smores.

Time for another excursion, this time to "Au pays des merveilles"

Rediscovered an oldie but a goodie, no were not talking about Pop's but rather Croconole, or is it Crocano?

Time for the Seale et al famiy reunion

Brain Hollingworth, otherwise known to many as Uncle Brian
Is he telling us to fight the power, or yelling at us to get off his grass.

And that brings July to an end.