
The end of the school year, a surpising number of birthdays and a family trip.

Sarah at her friend Hailey's Birthday parrty

Sarah at her friend Isabelle's Birthday Party

Off to Niagara Falls and Marineland

We got to the partk early enough in the season that Thomas and
Sarah were able to ride any ride they wanted without any lines.
They particularly enjoyed the rollercoaster and the rocket launch.

While at Marineland we were also able to pet the ballugas and get up and close with deer.

While nowhere near as interesting, we did actually spend some time a Niagara Falls, the real attraction for
Thomas and Sarah, however was the oppornity for ice cream and tree-climbing

The hotel seems to have been just as fun with the indoor pool and games room, when given the option of going back to the falls the following morning, Thomas and Sarah asked if they could play in the pool instead.

Dinner that evening meant there were no leftovers for daddy as the kids devoured their meals and
a special stop and McDonald's for ice cream was the topper to the day.

On the way back home we made a pit stop in Kingston and Thomas got a chance to see where he was born. Thomas and Sarah got the chance to play in a tree that mommy walked by each day after Thomas was born and was in the NICU. Quite a sight to see him climbing that same tree more than five years later. Never one to be outdone, Sarah followed Thomas up the tree.

Upon getting home from the trip Thomas and Sarah attended their friend Kian's Birthday Party

Time for a visit to the Fire Station and a chance to usse a Fire-Hose

Just really love this picture.

Super Sarah!

Father's Day and time in Granpa and Nana's pool

Sarah's Dance Class and Graduation from  RCNS (Nursery School)

Up to the Cottage

Thomas relaxing with Pops on the deck. Second photo is their view from the deck

Look what we found

Thomas' Birthday Party at an indoor pool. A party mommy won at a silent auction at RPS (Elementary School)

Mommy made Thomas a LEGO swimming pool Birthday Cake and LEGO head cake-pops

Now, that was Birthday Party #1, however, unbeknowst to Thomas, we had actually invited
Thomas and Sarah's second cousins from Renfrew County to surprise Thomas
with a second party that started at the pool and ended up at our house.

Cake #2

Sarah with Rebecca and Thomas with Jack

After that we headed up to Granpa and Nana's house for another celebration of Thomas' Birth.
Do you think this is getting out of hand yet?

After all that hard work it was time for a rest, to the hot tub.

We're not done yet, next we headed up to the Cottage where Thomas enjoyed his 4th birthday celebration.


Sarah may get to celebrate her real birtday every four years,
 but every now and then you appear to get the chance to celebrate your birthday four times in one year.