We had two very excited little ones that they didn't
really seem to mind the over two hour wait before we got on the plane
We arrived in San Francisco around 7-8 pm local time, which menas
10-11pm eastern time, which is wayyyyy past
bed time for our little
monsters, but they were just too excited about the trip that they didn't
get to sleep for at least another
hour tohour an half after we
landed. Once we had the rental car it was a three to four hour drive to
Attascadero. Boy do we love GPS.
The first morning, after a late
night visit to In-Out Burger, provided us with our first beach visit,
where Sarah found a Sand Dollar

While the pictures don't show it, we discovered shortly after these
photos that Thomas was in fact suffering from a stomach bug and blew
chunks shortly after the last picture above was taken. Fortunately for
us, he then slept the entire time until just before we reached the next
beach near Venice and that seemed to do the trick as he was fine the
rest of the trip.
This is where we stopped for a late
afternoon lunch and some time playing at a park

After another night at a wonderful hotel we got a very early
start as the kids knew that today was Legoland Day.
First, however,
there was a beach to explore

There were some really cool rocks on the other side of the wall, but
for some reason
Thomas and Sarah both figured this was the best way
to look af them
LEGOLAND with Shawn, Tiffany, Sarah (aka the real reason for the

After a great day at Legoland, and a restful evening, we headed out
the next morning to see Shawn surf, at least that was the excuse we used
to visit another beach and play in the sand. Shawn was one of the dots
in the background, given how long he's been surfing we figured he was
one of the good ones out there. After surfing Shawn treated us to hot
chocolate and cookies, because low single digits is apparently cold for
San Diego.

After hanging out with Shawn, we headed off on our own to have a
look at downtown San Diego
and spent some time on the USS
Constitution Aircraft Carrier. All four kids had a great time.

After a day downtown we had a great dinner and evening with
Shawn, Tiffanny, Sarah and Carson

The next few days were great and we loved spending time with our
good friends to the south.

The next day we headed back to Legoloand to visit the Aquarium
and quickly discovered that our children are not look and wait kids,
rather they are touch and do kids, so after going through the entire
aquarium in under 30 Minutes, we spent the next few hours back at
Legoland proper on the rides.

After a few hours of driving we stopped for lumch and a good
hike. I guess we shouldn't have been that
surprised that when
we asked what the kids wanted to do next, were asked when we were going

After our time climing the hills that seemed to turn into
mountains, we were off again
to a beach mommy found out about online
called Sandollar Beach. So off we went
When we arrived at the
parking lot for the beach we were a little confused as we could not see
the beach,
walking about hundred yards towards the water and we
encountered the path seen in the picture below.
almost five minutes of downward walking later, then a flight of
STAIRS we found this;
Our own private beach

Within thirty minutes of leaving the beach, which included a ten
minute hike back to
the parking lot along a different more
challenging path we snapped the photos below.

The remainder of the drive along the Pacific Coast Highway, Highway
1, was fantastic for daddy
if not a little terrifying for mommy. Here
are a few photos of the road as we approached Big Sur.

After a long day of driving we settled in for the night at
another fine hotel and of course visited
the beach that was a block
away. The sand dunes were quite fun for all the kids, and one of them,
not daddy unfortunatley hurt his ankle jumping from the top of a dune.
Good thing he seems to be made
of rubber, because by the end of
dinnerhe was running back to the car.

The next morning found us on the road back to San Francisco, but
once again, thanks to a
little online reading we made our way to a
fantastic park and for the first time in my life, though
I didn't
take a picture, I saw a FREE SPEECH ZONE, it made me laugh and want to
cry at the same time.

...and after all that, Thomas and Sarah got to spend one last
night in California before going home.
Thanks Thomas, for taking this picture of us just before
heading out for the flight home