January 2012

Visit to the Cottage Our trek into the cottage was not too bad this year. After shovelling spaces for the cars we made it the 200yrd on our x-country skis into the cottage. I must say the best part was opening the door and finding a room temperature of 17 degrees inside, just what we had set,when we were last there. Thomas and Sarah had a great time, so much so that Thomas declared it to be his best day, except for Christmas that is.


Thomas and Daddy making their way in the 2ft deep untracked powder.

Thomas fared better than Daddy or anyone else for that matter on this day


Back in RichmondSweating up a storm after an afternoon of playing outside, showing off the wonderful sweaters Nana made.


Princess Sarah and all of her subjects.


Playing with really big toys (trip to the Ottawa Science Centre)


Granpa's Birthday and skating on the lake at Toledo

I don't know if it gets more stereotypically Canadian than this


Sarah went to her friends' Abby and Noah's birthday party where everyone enjoyed an afternoon of bowling


While mommy was at Scientists in the School, Thomas and Sarah decided to do a remodel of the landing.

Only slightly smaller than some of the new condo's being built