MAY / JUNE 2010

(Yes we know it's been a while :))


Enjoying a hot chocolate in the morning

Sarah loves playing in the water

Happy birthday to Thomas (yes, he's hiding under the table)

On the 'fire truck' with Grandpa at the cottage

Swinging with Doodoo!


The last of Thomas' birthday cakes (superhero ATV cake)

Posing with Daddy

Marshmallow time


Putting together a bird house with Grandpa


"I want my marshmallow!


More Sarah

Getting ready to play t-ball, at least until the bat broke!

Look who turned 4 today!

Yes Thomas, Doodoo can drive the ATV as well

Working in the garden in Calgary

Superhero pose!


In Banff

Running by a beautiful waterfall after hiking down a mountain

Gotta love Banff!

Hiking with Daddy


At the top of Mount Sulphur


With Cousin Paul in Banff



Our big boy

Getting daddy all wet

Notice how Thomas and Sarah aren't even in the pool with Paul, it was cold!

Helping uncle Dave stir the mulch


Looking for rocks

Our fort

Reading with Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dave

At Heritage Park

Kid sized Ferris wheel!

Yum, ice cream!

"Giddy up"


Pose time

At the zoo, Thomas and Paul pulled Sarah around.


At the airport, waiting to fly to Calgary

Sarah and her 'best friend'


Thomas with his friends at graduation day!

Superhero smile!

Our little graduate

Thomas' superhero birthday party


Cake, face painting, crafts


Spiderman dance, Superhero scavenger hunt

Superhero cake

Thomas at soccer practice

Sarah and Nora enjoying the cozy bike stroller


At a friend's party


Sarah's last Twinkle Toes class

Thomas and his buddy at the park

Thomas helping Sarah not be scared at the fire station

Working at the cottage with Daddy


Swimming in May!

Thomas and Daddy

Driving a tractor

On the rope swing


On the way to Nana and Grandpa's


How soundly they sleep


Our soccer star

Working on our garden

Superhero time


A farmer came to visit the nursery school

Daddy helped the kids bake a cake for Mother's Day




Occupying Sarah at T-ball

Sarah on her own 2 wheeler

Dancing with Nana

Thomas 'playing' with friends

REading with Doodoo

Twinkle Toes!!