February 2010

Sarah's Second Birthday!

Sarah woke up after a great night sleep and was very happy it was her birthday!


All set for her party!

Thomas was more than ready to party too!


Time to blow out the candles.

Yummy cake!

Daddy measuring 2 year old Sarah


The grandfathers, Grandpa and Pops!

Grams and Sarah

Mommy and her favourite daughter

Nana enjoying a cuddle with her granddaughter.

Out on a bike ride, Sarah trying a tricycle for the first time ... as Thomas sped by on his bike, Sarah walked hers saying, "I do it!" whenever we offered to help her with the peddles!


Pops and his favourite grandchildren!

Auntie Tina and Sarah. If you've been paying close attention, you will notice this is Sarah's fifth outfit today!!



It seems like I uploaded photos just the other day, but as it turns out it has been a month! I suppose this is a pretty good indicator about how fast time is flying!

Thomas and Sarah in the shoo fly at Nana and Grandpas

Sarah pulling her on sled on Belamy Lake

Thomas' snowman was decapitated while putting on the celery nose, but not to worry, he received a new head!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Hard at work fixing a toy in Grandpa's workshop

We skied into the cottage, it was very cold inside when we first got there

Walking on the lake was fun, and we had planned to do a lot more of that the next day but the flu hit, hard, so we packed up and left the very next morning!

Sick Sarah.


Thomas is really into drawing and "homework."


Thomas and Sarah went to a pirate themed birthday party

My tower is taller then all 41" of me!