
Hooray for apples. What  a wonderfully warm day to go apple picking!

Thomas and Sarah searching for apples.

Sarah and cousin CJ

Cousin Gabby and Thomas waiting patiently for the wagon.


Thinking about it ... we have lift off!

Getting lost in the corn maze was Thomas' favourite part!

Back at home on the swing set,

On the nursery school float in the Richmond Fair parade (Sarah waved almost the entire time).

At the fair Thomas enjoyed a pony ride.

Sarah enjoyed feeding the animals.

Thomas LOVED all the rides and didn't want to go home!!

Sarah on her first ride with Mommy, the swing,

They weren't too sure about being on the horse carousel until it started moving and then they were happy.

Sarah ever so happy to have the toy parrot Thomas won!

As we were about to leave Thomas decided he had changed his mind and did want his face painted.

Back home, he wanted a picture of it before it rubbed off from eating chocolate pudding.

Thomas' first day of nursery school went very well. He even started singing a Thomas original song in the middle of circle time (what a difference from last year when he didn't/couldn't even say "hi!"

Sarah and Thomas in the bike stroller on the way to school.

Grams and Thomas found treasure out in the woods behind the cottage ...  an old coo-coo clock from when Grams was little.

Playing duck, duck, goose before bedtime.


Time to relax!

Enjoying the ATV (the main topic of Thomas' songs)

Playing in the woods not 10 steps from the cottage.

Posing for a picture!

The "firemen" put out the big bonfire.


Swinging with Pops

Mmmmm .... burnt marshmellows

Hooray for dirt!


Out on a canoe trip with Karen and Doodoo (Auntie Tina)


At Janice's house enjoying a freeze while we enjoy meeting the newest addition, Rebecca.

Will Sarah ever tire of sand or dirt?


Colby, Thomas, Sarah and CJ - waiting for the Ryan Julie's wedding to start, and trying to stay clean!

Julie and Ryan

Our family

Our Hyde Family

Keeping out of trouble (thank goodness the first wedding the kids went to was at a camp where they could run around)


Posing for Auntie Tina

Look at my yummy snack!

Thomas waited weeks to dance at the wedding, so during the meal, when we realized it was already way past their bedtime and we would likely leave before the dancing started, Mommy Thomas and Sarah played ring around the rosie on the dance floor

A very tired Sarah with the beautiful bride


Tired children

The next day ... Sarah was full of energy!

Thomas and Sarah playing in their room at the cottage

Sarah fell asleep on the sofa at home

Tea party time with Nana

What a great big brother!