Giddy Up Horsey!

Thomas wearing his "crown" and Auntie Tina in his clown nose

Happy Birthday Thomas

The "men" (excluding Derek) enjoying the great weather

Family portrait, minus Hobbes

Hooray  for THREE!


Finger lickin' good

Spoon lickin' good too!

Trying to coax Hobbes into the sandbox by putting sand on him

 Nana and Sarah in their sunhats


Helping Daddy put together his birthday present ... a hockey net

Thomas was colouring nicely and Sarah decided to join in, by that I mean climb on the table and take all the markers. Fortunately, Thomas "solved" this problem by colouring Sarah's face. Ah, siblings!

An afternoon visit to Grandpa and Nana's had the kids helping Grandpa build an enclosure for puppy Perry

Hobbes wanted to check out the enclosure too. He lasted a few minutes until Perry wanted to play and so a tired Hobbes merely jumped out.

In the pool with "fish Sarah"

Yay for noodles!

Sarah swimming with Nana

After swimming Thomas had a good laugh at Nana's expense as she tried to hold onto Perry, push Thomas and stop Sarah from rocking out of the rocking chair (yes, I didn't help instead I simply took a photo to capture the moment ;)

Thomas had a birthday party with some friends from nursery school. It was a great success.

The splash pool was very refreshing ...

and a lot of fun when the slide was in!

Not to mention when the sprinkler was on too (check out Sarah's face)

Thomas had a great time with his friend, Avery, on the glider

Before everyone arrived Sarah was all decked out for the party

The cake was a big hit (especially when the boys tried to make the trucks drive on the road)

Sarah climbing up the ladder at the party

The birthday boy running from friends who were trying to squirt him

After all the nursery school friends left, Thomas, Sarah and Cousin CJ had fun taking turns on the slide

Grandpa teaching Thomas to box

Nana helping Thomas hold their new puppy, Perry

Sarah thought Perry was pretty neat

At the cottage, Thomas built a house with a real hammer and nails. Here you see Grams taking a turn to help him

Pops riding on the ATV with Thomas

Thomas doing his duty to stop Pops from working by attaching himself to Pops' leg

Hobbes also did his duty holding back the carpet while the piano was moved from one room to another (due to construction at the cottage)

Thomas and Pops checking things out

Grams with smiley Sarah

Pops reading to Sarah

A tired Hobbes takes a break with a tired Pops

Thomas' last day of nursery school

All dressed up for the last day of nursery school




Pops couldn't help getting down to the kids level to play.

Thomas helping to "build" as Daddy looks on

Hobbes loves sunbathing on the deck

Getting a meal ready at the cottage. Normally Thomas is on the step stool, but he left for a few minutes so Sarah took his place.

Thomas and Sarah enjoying oatmeal chocolate chip cookies they helped bake

Thomas "counting" his money

Sarah painting

Thomas and Sarah had a wonderful visit with their 3rd cousins, Gabby, Anna, 4 week old Colby and C.J.

Sarah and Thomas were only intrigued with baby Colby when he was letting his mommy know he was hungry

Baby Colby

Thomas enjoyed riding on C.J.'s leg powered motorcycle, especially when he took it down the hill!

Sarah loved the swing set, as usual!

Thomas at the park by our home, which we frequent most mornings

Sarah at the park, spending her time on the stairs

Sarah eating her fist apple that is not cut into pieces

Yup, on the stairs again (no matter what park we go to that is her favourite activity)


Cottage construction is underway again ... here is the deck that will link all adult bedrooms to the great outdoors! The railing will go in soon.

View from the lake ... stairs jut out from the middle of the deck and head in both directions. Landscaping and railings should one day make this view from the lake pretty great!


From inside the family room

Stairs down

Our little cowboy (dressing up as a cowboy is a new hobby of Thomas' ...)


The sleeping cowboy in his "barn" (note the dog, I mean "horse" on the table behind sleeping after being fed "hay" and "water")

Playing at Grandpa and Nana's

Yum, yum ... sand!

Chasing chipmunks is tiring and dirty work!

Daddy pulling his trouble in his old wagon

Thomas was so happy to have a wagon to help him move wood

Nana and Thomas checking out the dock

Thomas tied up Grandpa's feet!


Two very tired kids on the way home from a fun afternoon and Grandpa and Nana's house