Attempting a sibling portrait is not always so easy!!

"ZeeZee tay!!"  (That would be Thomas telling Sarah to stay)

On the move, big time.

Checking the oil

Closing the engine back up

Beautiful baby girl

Playing in the sand, she was quite intrigued by the texture

Daddy and Sarah look at animals while sugaring off

Thomas was very excited when he heard he would get to ride a horse!

He even let go of the saddle to give a wave.

The day leading up to Thomas' first pony ride we constantly heard, "Mama help ZeeZee ride horse?" So of course, to please Thomas, Sarah also rode the horse.

Feeding some animals with Grandpa

Out for a walk at Grams and Pops house

Thomas got his hands on some boxes which quickly turned into a boat and a car - they provided oodles of fun for many days!

Painting for Auntie Tina

All dolled up for Pop's Birthday

Time to blow out the candles

Vying for attention

Too funny --- after supper while Derek and I cleaned the kitchen Thomas moved all the dining room chairs into the living room and then had Grams, Pops and Auntie Tina each sit in a chair and pretend it was the train. This lasted for, no joke, upwards of twenty minutes!

Time to make loud cutting noises with Auntie Tina

Having a snack away from Hobbes

Thomas takes charge and leads both Pops, Grams and the pilot out to where Pops' birthday flying lesson awaited him

Pops' at the airport getting ready to fly in a tiny plane and have a go and actually flying it.

Thomas was exhausted from being up at 5am but still enjoyed seeing the Pops get ready to fly (although he doesn't look to happy here)


Breakfast time in my new shoo-fly.

Breakfast time for Thomas too!

Snack time is also great in the shoo-fly ... although both Sarah and Hobbes seem to want to help Thomas with his snack!

Sophie and Emily came to visit, unfortunately Thomas was feeling out of sorts (no, not from being surrounded by all girls, he was sick)

Emily and Sarah attempting to play together

Thomas tucking in "baby" Sophie (after watching Emily tuck her in countless times he finally joined in "playing house")


Dress up time.

Playing Barbies at Grandpa and Grandma's (he LOVES the Barbie car)


Boys will be boys - soaked boots and all!


Finally, a chance to walk after being carried for most of the walk

Checking out the bird houses with Grandpa

Helping to break the ice at the edge of the lake ... yes, Daddy is in shorts, yes, it was cold.

Walking holding binoculars to his eyes to look for birds while carrying a basket to collect sticks, talk about multi-tasking

A sick Sarah sports some pig-tails.