The day after Sarah's party she played with her too-too (or we played and she humored us!)


After everyone left, Hobbes lay down and waited his turn for cake


Saying bye to Anna

Getting spoiled by Wayland

Chillin' with Daddy

No more photos!!

Riding in my new toy with CJ

Reading about Sarah's tree to be planted at the lake during the summer

Sarah had a lot of help when she started to open her presents

Sarah also had a lot of help playing with her new presents

The adults play a birthday game ... Congrats on winning Grandpa and Grandma!

Making music to boogie too


Opening gifts is a family affair

Yummy cake for the kiddies

Happy Birthday to You!


Sarah tolerated her birthday hat just long enough for these photos to be taken!

Sarah trying on her first present, perfect for our dancing queen!

Walking is the new crawling

Waiting for guests to arrive with Grandma (and the other 3 grandparents)

Sarah's Birthday Cake

Always smiling (well, almost always)


Blowing bubbles with Grams

Playing with the log house Mommy built

Snack time for Thomas and Hobbes

Snack time for the "baby" (doll)

Sarah in her winter coat

Finally, the barrettes are staying in!


It's incredible how busy life can become! Thomas and Sarah have both had their share of colds and tummy bugs, but that hardly slowed them down. Sarah takes an occasional step now, but then bends down and continues moving forward by crawling. Thomas' speech continues to improve and we all enjoy how he can now express himself and get his point across, although you have to listen very carefully to him when he is trying to communicate, especially if you are not familiar with his words and sounds.

Thomas busily colouring before Grams' arrived for a visit ... by the time she got there he had coloured on 30 pages!

Even fathers and daughters can dress alike

Helping in the kitchen

While Mommy and Daddy went to Calgary to visit Andrea and Dave and to ...

meet their nephew, Paul ...

all 4 grandparents took turns watching (or running after) the grandkids! Here's Pops with his hands full!

Sarah was full of smiles while Mommy and Daddy were away (then again, she's pretty much always full of smiles :)

Talk about a helpful big brother!!