Sarah and Thomas continue to have runny noses and a deep cough but it doesn't seem to slow them down. They both want to be on the move all the time and are enjoying playing together (most of the time). 

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On the move.

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Sawing the sofa ... check out Thomas' "necklace" made by Thomas using a bungee cord and a screwdriver!!

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This is a daily activity that either ends up with her sleeping or in tears

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Thomas is his fort on the phone, make that phones!

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Thomas in the box

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Doing puzzles with daddy

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Sarah and her cousins, Gabby and C.J., 


Sarah, now 8 1/2 months has begun crawling and can't seem to get enough of it. Thomas simply can't get enough of her ... he loves waking her up in the morning, giving her hugs and kisses during the day and dragging her by her feet if she crawls away from him!!

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Ever smiley Sarah

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Sarah enjoying a snack

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Thomas in the castle with Princess Sophie & Maid Emily

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The Menard & Griffiths crew (Sophie, Sara, Emily, Thomas)

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Sophie & Sarah

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Thomas keeping a careful eye on "Puh-Puh"

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Taking a much needed rest (in the dog bed)