HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Thomas, the cowboy, and Sarah, the cow had a fun time trick or treating ... at least until Thomas got "spooked" by a zombie and quickly hightailed it home!
Growing a beard!
Mommy and her calf
The cow and cowboy all set to go
Getting his cowboy shoes on
All tuckered out from trick or treating
2 days before Halloween we made a snow pumpkin
Thomas' nursery school party
Carving a pumpkin
Putting face pieces into a pumpkin
Smiley Sarah
Even though it's "cold season" Thomas and Sarah continue to find things to smile about, which of course makes us smile too!
Thomas and Daddy eating a snack
Pumpkin picking
At Grandpa and Grandma's
Thomas ran like a dog!
The day after visitng Grandpa and Grandma's ... utter exhaustion!
Matching PJ's
All cozied up in bed
Thinking about crawling ... oops ... just about has it now :)
Thomas and Sarah in gender neutral clothes :)
Eating a pear for snack
"playing" with Hobbes' ball
Smiley Sarah in her sweater from Grandma
A very tired Sarah fell asleep right before supper
Thomas & Sarah had the best of both worlds this past weekend ... they enjoyed two days in the country with Grams, Pops, Auntie Tina and more for an early Thanksgiving and then two days in the country with Grandpa and Grandma for more turkey and fun in the leaves!
Swinging at the cottage
Taking Pops for a ride (for the umpteenth time!)
Getting a lesson from Pops on how to work the ATV
Photo shoot of Thomas by Auntie Tina
Photo shoot of Sarah by Auntie Tina
Daddy-daughter time
Daddy,Mommy, Sarah, Grams, Auntie Tina, Pops & Thomas at the cottage Thanksgiving
Thomas and William enjoying some turkey (or at least each other's company)
CJ & Sarah had some very interesting conversations
The older kids at Thanksgiving
Thomas discovered the joys of playing in the leaves at Grandpa and Grandmas
Where's Thomas?
Playing with the milkweeds (banging them with the broom stick)
Racing mommy
Racing daddy
Tea party time
Chilling with Grandpa
Looking ever so soft
Enjoying some crazily warm weather with Grandma
Sarah and Thomas playing in the leaves (alright, Sarah was really just plunked there for the photo!)
Opposites attract
Trying to build a fire at home (without permission)