This weekend we went to the cottage to celebrate Gram's birthday. Thomas and Sarah once again had a lot of fun playing with their cousins, grandparents, aunt, etc. This time a lot of time was spent down by the water. 

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Daddy helping Thomas "swim" to the raft.

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Taking a break with Pops as Daddy stays close by for when Thomas wants back in to shore.

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Peek-a-boo Auntie Tina!

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Getting a free ride with Pops

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Hanging out with William, Gabby and Wayland (also enjoying some delicious mille-feuille and lemonade!

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Sarah, Gabby and Karen

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Hobbes was utterly exhausted

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Thomas with Jack

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Pam & Karen with their little ones, Sarah and C.J.

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Daddy swimming in the lake with Thomas

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Mommy and Sarah went swimming too

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Time to dry Sarah off and warm her up

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Cousins, C.J. and Sarah, two and a half months apart 

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Thomas enjoying Grams' birthday dessert while Daddy plays with Thomas' head!!



At Thomas' 2 year check-up, all went well ... he is now a strapping 28 pounds! Sarah had her 4 month check-up and she now weighs half of Thomas' weight!!

The heat has arrived, but aside from being a little more 'tantrumy', it does not really seem to bother Thomas or Sarah! The days all mesh into one as the routine has little variation:

bulletwake up bullethave breakfast while watching Curious George or Dumbo, or as of late, Cinderella bulletas long as it's not too hot take Hobbes for a bike ride with Thomas in the Chariot bike trailor (Sarah naps during this time as Daddy stays home) bulletwake up Sarah, drop off Hobbes & go to the park so Thomas can play with kids his own age/size bulletcome home and have lunch with Daddy bulletplay bulletnap bulletwake-up and have a snack bulleteither to the backyard to play in the shade of the big tree OR stay inside and play with play dough, do an art activity or play in the basement bulletdinner bullethyper time with Daddy bulletbath time bulletstory time with Mommy bulletBed time (in bed by 7:30 - but often still awake by 9pm!! Not crying, mind you, but looking at his books, playing with some toy cars and "chatting" to his stuffed animals!

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No matter what we give her, she still prefers munching on her fingers!

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Thomas painting (more on him then the paper)

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Check out his arms and legs!

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Suntanning Sarah (can you really suntan in the shade?)

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Cleaning off in the pool and trying to entice Hobbes to join him

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Helping Hobbes cool down (much to Hobbes' dismay)

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Still such a cutie pie!

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Not sure where Thomas was off too, but Sarah and Hobbes were having fun rolling around on their backs.