Thomas turned two this past weekend and had a wonderful few days celebrating. From making his first visit of the year to the Hyde cottage where he was able to play with his Auntie Tina, grandparents and cousins, to having all 4 grandparents at his beck and call on his actual birthday, he definitely enjoyed himself and is presently enjoying a much needed nap to recoup from all his adventures!

Sarah also turned 4 months old and continues to smile at any smiley face shown to her, has now turned over all by herself several times and is getting closer to not toppling over immendiately when in a sitting position. She is probably one of the most relaxed, easy-going, just plain easy babies there ever was (yes, she sleeps through the night already :)

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Before heading to the cottage Sarah felt like showing off how strong her neck has become

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Making lunch with Mommy and Grams

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Saying "cheese" with cheese in his hands and mouth!

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Lunch, indoor picnic style, with Auntie Tina and Pops

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Ever so slowly Sarah squirmed her way out of the bouncy chair (that was bought for her mommy when she was a baby!)

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Relaxation time

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Nap time for Thomas (he quickly claimed the bunkbed room as his own and had a great time playing in it when he was supposed to be going to sleep)

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Smiley Sarah

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Opening an early birthday present from Auntie Tina ... which Thomas then gave to his sister (he helped open all of Sarah's welcome to the world gifts).

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Wearing Thomas' birthday gift (which Auntie Tina bought for him while in Jamaica)

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Janice takes a break from "boyville" to hold Sarah

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Welcome to Boyville (Current membersJack, Thomas and William)

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C.J., with his mommy, looking to chew his way out of Babyville to become a member of Boyville!

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Gabby in her hideout attempting to create a "Girlville" - hopefully her sister Anna or cousin Sarah will join her soon!

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Thomas riding in the trailor on his way to help move wood

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Riding on the four wheeler with Grams and Pops

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Today Thomas officially turned TWO, his first present was a play shaving set which he and daddy immediately put to use!

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Waiting with Hobbes for his grandparents to come and celebrate his big day

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Playing with his new toys (attempting to make a "pow" - part pig, part cow ... he also tried to make a hig!)

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Putting Sarah's blankey into his new toy washer and dryer (made by Pops for his mommy and Aunt when they were little girls)

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Taking his new toy sailboat, made out of a log by Grandpa and Grandma, outside to the pool

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It floats really well!

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It can also go on the grass

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With the boat maker

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Mowing the lawn with his new lawn mower

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Playing with the animals again as Grandpa and Sarah look on

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Riding on his new truck (now in the sandbox)

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Taking a break from his new toys to play with some good ol' fashion homemade play dough with Grandma

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As Thomas blows out the candles Daddy is already licking his lips in anticipation!

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Even Sarah joined the party in her party dress

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After everyone else had left the table the two grandfathers decided to take some more cake for themselves - note their grins!

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Sarah with Grams

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Sarah with Mommy