platform with Thomas 011.jpg (84108 bytes)

Working with Grandpa on the platform for the grandkids' future tree house ... notice who is wearing the protective gear due to who is holding the hammer!!

May 31 007.jpg (50065 bytes)

Sleeping, again

May 31 006.jpg (47031 bytes)

Enjoying a pre-dinner snack (won't eat it cut up, has to be whole)

May 31 002.jpg (49467 bytes)

Mommy and her children at lunch time

May 31 001.jpg (58401 bytes)

Sarah in her bonnet

Sarah is three months old today!

May 29 - Sarah at 3 months 011.jpg (66774 bytes)

Looking coy

May 29 - Sarah at 3 months 009.jpg (66605 bytes)

Smiley Sarah

May 29 - Sarah at 3 months 005.jpg (70691 bytes)

Sarah and Hobbes

May 20 013.jpg (60538 bytes)

Thomas all dressed up (in Mommy's hat and sunglasses) and ready to go (with Sarah)

May 20 011.jpg (70213 bytes)

Thomas had a lot of fun painting while Sarah looked on

May 20 010.jpg (52217 bytes)

Funny faces from Sarah

May 20 002.jpg (67933 bytes)

Sleeping soundly, as usual :)

May 20 001.jpg (58562 bytes)

Can't get enough of this face!

For the past few days we have continued working in the basement much to Thomas' delight! He is a wonderful little helper, most of the time. Sarah is still a very easy going, happy baby offering up smiles when she has a full tummy. She has a fussy period from when Thomas goes to bed (7pm) until she falls asleep at 8:30pm, where she wants to be rocked in my arms as he nurses on and off. We figure if she's only really fussy for up to 2 hours in a 24 hour period we're pretty lucky! 

May 9 - 17 002.jpg (39400 bytes)

Sarah sleeping in Grams' arms

May 9 - 17 001.jpg (59432 bytes)

Karen and Auntie Tina came for a one day visit, Karen was in her element, so was Sarah!

May 9 - 17 006.jpg (57915 bytes)

At Grandpa and Grandma's, taking Thomas for his first boat ride (he was very excited to wear his life jacket this year)

May 9 - 17 008.jpg (49571 bytes)

Daddy and Thomas ~ Mommy's new favourite photo of the two of them (check out Thomas' grin :)

May 9 - 17 009.jpg (52596 bytes)

In the boat

May 9 - 17 012.jpg (65198 bytes)


May 9 - 17 020.jpg (59626 bytes)            May 9 - 17 021.jpg (57977 bytes)            May 9 - 17 022.jpg (58448 bytes)

Sarah starting to pout ...  lower lip jutting out ... full fledged wail ... time to put the camera down!


Sarah is asleep in my lap while Thomas conked out on his bedroom floor after a busy day of planting trees, things are quiet (for once). Thomas has been having fun going to the park everyday and running with the other kids there. Sarah, easy as ever, simply sleeps in the carrier I wear the whole time. The last few nights has had Sarah sleeping from 8 or 9 pm until 3 or 4 am. It's amazing how much more gets accomplished when you aren't so sleep deprived!!

April 27 - Nay 8 021.jpg (53257 bytes)

Two months old. Eleven pounds. Fifty-six centimeters long. Big girl!

April 27 - Nay 8 028.jpg (51928 bytes)

Thomas smiling for the camera after getting caught emptying the bread box

April 27 - Nay 8 002.jpg (59009 bytes)

Daddy and Sarah

April 27 - Nay 8 005.jpg (95647 bytes)

Thomas enjoying his new sandbox

April 27 - Nay 8 008.jpg (77851 bytes)

Hunting for his shovel

April 27 - Nay 8 012.jpg (71968 bytes)

Thomas and Hobbes reading a book about Cheerios

April 27 - Nay 8 015.jpg (65486 bytes)

Auntie Tina, Thomas and Mommy eating birthday cake

April 27 - Nay 8 034.jpg (73526 bytes)

Thomas and Pops working away

April 27 - Nay 8 037.jpg (53148 bytes)

Sarah sleeps while Grams watches Pops and Thomas

April 27 - Nay 8 040.jpg (58747 bytes)

Pops has his turn with Sarah