Thomas and Sarah have been enjoying the weather as of late, which means time for taking care of things inside the house (such as updating the website) is a rarity!
"Helping" daddy in the basement ... whenever Daddy heads downstairs, Thomas is quick to follow with a selection of play tools in hand. This time, Daddy thought it'd be fun to let Thomas borrow his toolbelt! Note the protective goggles on Thomas' head (he puts them on when he uses his play drill!)
Sarah in her super cute overalls!
Hanging around outside at Grams and Pop's house
Watching trucks from the back deck with Pops
There may be an opera singer in the family!
Thomas cuddling with Sarah
Grandpa in his element
Eyes WIDE open
Mommy with Sarah (in carrier) and Thomas (in the background)
Playing outside at Grandpa and Grandmas
Such a hot day, fortunately Hobbes found one of the only patches of snow left to cool down on.
Thomas and Daddy checking out Hobbes' spot
Thomas and Grandma "cleaning"
Thomas has discovered the joys of playing with other children. From running down the street to play with new friends when the neighbors get home from school, to playing in the playroom with his cousins, he loves it all. Sarah simply enjoys sleeping, eating and observing (such a great baby!)
Playing outside to Thomas also means playing in the van or car
Pretending to drive
Hobbes relaxing in the sun
Sarah enjoying the fresh air
Whenever Sarah is lying down on her playmat, Thomas feels the need to curl up beside her ... sometimes he ends up curling up on top of her by accident!
I love my purple outfit!
*** FUNNY STUFF *** I just had to pause working on the website in order to run to the kitchen where Thomas had decided to put a strainer type toy to the water machine on the fridge ~ close call! Oh boy, now he's emptying the crumb container under the toaster; it's gonna be one of those days :)
Cousins arrive to play, Thomas is still trying to make out who these people are playing with his toys.
Karen and Sarah
Janice, William and Sarah (funny how I didn't get a photo of Janice holding Sarah even though she spent the most time holding her!)
Thomas and Jack, double trouble (double threat is probably more accurate)
Karen with daughter Gabby and Son C.J.
Gabby and William "allowed" Thomas to squeeze in between them on the bench
Craft time
Cousins, Sarah and C.J., both born a month early but 2 and a half months apart
Caught in the act (spying on the kids in the playroom allowed me a glimpse into how they play unsupervised ... Thomas' first time playing with other kids without adult supervision - no tears, no one got hurt, no damage to the house, I'd say it was a success!)
Cousins: Gabby, C.J., Sarah, William, Thomas, Jack (what you don't see is the adults hovering around/above them as the 2 middle aged boys were rather squirmy!)
Sarah continues to grow big and strong and spends many hours awake, looking about. It's interesting how many people have commented on how small she is, but we both think she looks so big for a month old! Hard to imagine what she would have looked like if she had gone to tern (3 days ago). Thomas is also growing big and strong, loves to carry things around, including trying to carry his sister!
Sarah often has her tongue stuck out at us
Thomas is used to the "paparazi", Sarah is still shying away from it!
Thomas smiling for the camera (this is what happens when we say, "cheese!"
Jen and Emily came for a visit to meet Sarah ...
Thomas had a lot of fun playing with/beside Emilly
I told Thomas I was going to take Sarah's photo and asked him to step closer to the tub, he quickly went downstairs, retrieved his play camera and came back ready to take his own photos!
One month old