Happy Easter! Thomas enjoyed his visit from the Easter bunny, especially when he discovered the goodies inside the eggs! Sarah and Thomas had fun visiting with their Aunts, Uncle and grandparents on Easter Sunday, as well as their great-Aunt and great-grandmother the day before. Talk about lucky kids.

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Posing for an Easter picture

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All dressed up in her cozy Eeyore outfit to go outside

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Playing piano with Auntie Tina

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More music time with Auntie Tina

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Sarah's first Easter outfit

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Thomas' "rapper" look

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Sarah and her great-Grannie

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Thomas enjoying his mommy's old rocking horse

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Sarah and Grams

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Sarah and Daddy

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Sarah's second Easter outfit

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Thomas and Sarah with their immediate family

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Family portrait time

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Shoveling the snow in Grandpa and Grandma's yard

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Mommy and Sarah (she's under the jacket)

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Thomas and Daddy

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Thomas showing Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dave that their new cradle hols a big boy too .... 

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Happy St. Patrick's Day! Thomas has adjusted well to his role of big brother and seems to adore his little sister, from giving her kisses to wanting her to sit on his lap he just can't get enough of her. When she gives a little squawk (so far very little crying) he quickly checks on her and enjoys offering her his toys; don't worry we realize this probably won't last once Sarah starts wanting his toys!  At Sarah's last weigh in a few days ago, she weighed 6lbs 13.5oz and her colouring loooks great.

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Thanks for our St. Patrick's day attire Auntie Tina (Sarah's t-shirt was a wee bit too big, so she bored the outfit you gave Thomas when he was smaller than her!)

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Getting into the spirit of things

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Thomas is thrilled the piano moved into the kitchen, playing it has become one of his favourite past times (much to our chagrin!)

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Hobbes also adores Sarah, not to mention the fact that there's more roomon Mommy's lap for him to fit now.

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Happy birthday Pops!

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Pretty in pink

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All dressed up with no place to go (Thomas is getting much better at getting himself ready to go outside, mind you, if it were up to him he'd be outside all day})

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Notice how pleased with himself Thomas looks yet how frustrated Sarah looks - is this a glimpse into the future?

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Daddy with his little man and little lady

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Nap time