FEBRUARY 2008   

At 33 weeks pregnant, our soon-to-be daughter is running out of room to move around, so now instead of feeling her kick, she tends to push up and out with any body part that wants a stretch. Thomas had a great time visiting with his friends, Sophie and Emily at Winterlude again this year. Mind you, I think he had more fun throwing snow around than actually going down any of the hills.

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While making double chocolate cookies with Mommy, Thomas decided to sample the unsweetened cocoa!

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Not a bad way to travel, thanks Daddy!

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Going down the tube ride with Daddy

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Getting a ride back up to the top of the hill was just as fun as going down!

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Vroom, vroom

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Yes, mommy was at Winterlude too, but didn't chance going down any rides with Thomas due to the "precious cargo" on board!

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Back at friends' hotel room, Thomas had a chance to play with Sophie ...

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As well as Emily (easier to -+*