It's the end of the month and as I type I realize I'm 31 weeks + 4 days pregnant and remember back to this time when I was pregnant with Thomas and my water broke! Here's hoping the rest of the evening and next few weeks are uneventful!! Thomas had his first flu experience and I had my first experience being thrown up on. He was completely out of commission for a day and then took a good week to get back to his normal, happy, mischievious ways.

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Ready to go out and play with Hobbes (if only it were a little warmer)

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Sick Thomas ~ didn't move from this spot in the family room for hours on end.

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2 days after the flu bug hit, Thomas is starting to get back into mischief as he tries on Daddy's new slippers as well as Daddy's favourite hat.

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Auntie Tina came to visit, yipee!!

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Karen and Thomas (Karen has finally made it past the "stranger" phase with Hobbes and was able to pet him as he sat on her lap in the van!)

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Helping Auntie Tina get ready to leave by unpacking her bags!


Thomas enjoyed a fun visit from his friends, Sophie and Emily over the weekend. It was great watching him follow Sophie around and try to play with her. It was also great to see him try to hug little Emily, although sometimes it looked like more of a tackle than a hug!

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Helping clean up the dishes used to make brownies

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Playing in his fort with Sophie

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Relaxing in the bike stroller after playing in the park

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Enjoying a snack with Sophie and Emily 

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Eventually Emily managed to get a piece, or maybe it's more accurate to say eventually Thomas snuck Emily a piece (or two!)

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Enjoying the playroom

The ever growing Thomas had his 18 month check up today. He now weighs 24.5 pounds and is just about 85cm tall. We also had an ultrasound of his sister and she weighs 3 pounds. Both Thomas and his sister are considered average for size.

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Enjoying the egg beater after making Grandpa's birthday cake

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Playing with homemade playdough with Grandma

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Working with Grandpa at the easal

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Helping Grandpa open his present (notice where Hobbes is resting his head)

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The snowman (bunny) that lasted 4 hours before it melted

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Painting at the easel