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Getting ready to play outside

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Loving the outdoors, but not able to walk so well in the snow!

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At his first Santa Clause Parade in Carleton Place (over 50 lit up floats) 

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Apples are a great snack 

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Yey! Auntie Tina is here for a visit!

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Baking cookies with Mommy

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Lounging with Grandma Griffiths and Hobbes

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At work with Daddy

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Sharing the bag of cereal that he took out of the pantry and box himself with Hobbes. 


On Monday, Derek and I went for an ultrasound and learned we will be having a daughter; we're both thrilled! She is already very active; not only have I been feeling her move for a couple of weeks now.but the ultrasound technician couldn't quite get a clear look at all of her anatomy (stomache) as she wouldn't stay still long enough to cooperate (but what was seen (brain, heart, legs, arms, hands, feet, etc.)  looked "beautiful"). Yesterday, Thomas's Auntie Andrea flew into town for a whilrwind visit and brought with her the weather from Winnipeg! We took Thomas to a park and as soon as we stepped out of the car, the rain started which turned into sleet, then hail. Thomas didn't seem to mind at all, in fact he had a great time playing on the wet play structure.

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One of Thomas' favourite places, the pantry. Especially now that he can not only reach the cereal boxes ... 

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but can take them out and open them as well.

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Thomas, daddy and Auntie Andrea taking cover from the hail.

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Not sure who's having more fun in Auntie Andrea's hotel room!

Thomas had a fantastic time trick or treating. Derek and I took both him and Hobbes to a few neighbors and provided them with plenty of laughs since Thomas was dressed as Hobbes twin! Thomas' Grandma and Pops came to the house to hand out candy, and once Thomas came home he helped himself to much of it (taking handfuls from the bowl for the trick or treaters and putting it in his basket).

 Tomorrow Thomas will find out if he will have a brother or a sister!

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Painting his first pumpkin on Halloween afternoon

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The "twins" getting ready to head out

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Emptying his basket

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After refilling his basket, Hobbes became Thomas' best friend (so much great smelling candy)

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Helping himself to even more candy

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"Can't I PLEASE have a bite?"