July 2007

July 15: Another weekend at the cottage, another exhausted Thomas (and parents!) This time, Thomas played with his cousins, William and Jack, as well as his Auntie Tina and family friend Karen. He was spoiled with attention and got into everyone's good graces with his mischievous grin and eagerness to get into anything and everything. Next time we all hope the weather will be more conducive to spending time at the actual lake!

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Check out his admirers!

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"Upside down Thomas" (with daddy)

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Even on cold days, the sand is fun

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Thomas and Karen

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Hanging out with Grandma and Louise

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Playing with his cousins (or watching his cousins play might be the more accurate statement!)

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Hey Jack, that's mine!

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Small, bigger, biggest! (sad, so-so, happy)

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Tired Thomas asleep in mommy's lap

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Tired Hobbes asleep in bed (4th generation dog to sleep in this bed)

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Playing with a new toy

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Working on Grandma's birthday present


July 4: After spending a couple of days at the cottage, Thomas is all tuckered out from a runny nose and sound asleep in his crib. He enjoyed playing with Emily and Sophie at the lake; he was very curious about Emily who is only 3 and a half months old. Thomas also played with his Auntie Tina and gave her a few hugs. Grandma is especially happy that Thomas is now reaching out to be held by her and Pops was pleased to see Thomas playing with his trucks. I think we were all pleasantly surprised at how well he slept at the cottage and just plain old surprised at how he is choosing to carry around his toys, in his mouth!

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Watching Thomas playing in the sand

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Digging a hole

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Playing in the field of flowers

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Morning time with Daddy

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What's in here Auntie Tina?

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Being resourceful or copying Hobbes?

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The Daddy's (Derek & Frank) and the kids (Thomas & Sophie)

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Thanks for keeping Thomas' foot warm with sand Sophie!

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Fun at the lake on a cool summer day

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Say cheese Sophie!

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Playing together, sort of

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Mommy and Thomas (first time in the lake)

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Mommy's boys

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The Jolly GREEN Giant

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Yipee! Thanks for my cloths Auntie Tina!

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This box of blocks is pretty great!