Thomas' seventh tooth has finally broken through and none too soon - this one was the first that made me pull out the Tempera to soothe pain, crankiness, unwillingness to sleep, etc.
Getting ready to go swimming
Thanks for the ride daddy!
Getting used to his early birthday present
Like father, like son, like grandson!
Hmm, how does this work?
Bath time
Brushing my teeth before bedtime.
What a crazy week! On Wednesday a police officer came to the door to inform us that a young man had hid in our garage while the police searched for him in the fields (fortunately, he didn't come in the home and was not wanted for a violent crime ... and yes, he was caught). Then today, June 1, a rather large pigeon was injured on our driveway and couldn't fly and could barely walk. Thomas and I took him to a bird sanctuary to be taken care of. Finally, Thomas had a chance to meet Mike Holmes from "Holmes on Homes" - a show both Derek and I watch regularly. To end of the week, Thomas went swimming at Grandpa and Grandma Griffiths'!
Playing with some of Daddy's old toys
The Griffiths boys of Calador
Mommy and Thomas in the refreshing water
Grandma Griffiths and Thomas
Even Hobbes cooled off!
Daddy and Thomas in the pool for the first time
Thomas and Mike Holmes (very friendly guy who didn't mind the fact that Thomas sort of freaked out!)
Snack time for Thomas (and Hobbes!)
Playing at Grandma & Pops' home