After a hot couple of days, we took Thomas up to the Hyde cottage (flies and all) to visit with his grandparents and try asnother overnighter. Everyone had a lot of fun and were especially pleased Thomas got to see his 97 year old great-great aunt Phyllis as well his Auntie Tina.  Hobbes also had a terrific time chasing chipmunks and wading around in the lake. 

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Cooling off

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Time to get clean

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Why isn't any popcorn popping?

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Thomas and Pops

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Auntie Tina, why am I upside down? I'll get you back ... 

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Ha! I'll just pull your hair!

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Auntie Tina and Thomas

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Bye Grandma, thanks for having me at the cottage


Yesterday Thomas had his first look at the Parliament Buildings when we met up with his Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dave who were in town on business. He enjoyed the sights, behaved well while we ate in a very nice Thai restaurant and enjoyed his bottle while sitting in a park looking out at the Ottawa River.

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Playing in the backyard

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All tuckered out from playing in the sun

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Behind the Parliament Buildings with Daddy, Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dave

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Hmm, the bottle is great, but your sunglasses look even more tasty! 


Thomas' third tooth is well on its way & finally visible to the rest of the world. It's just past 7pm and he has fallen asleep not to wake until between 6 and 7 am, as per usual. He, Derek and I (Hobbes too) spent our first night  away from home on Friday, and the "test" worked well which was a relief to all!  Thomas and Hobbes have been enjoying the weather, as the sunny yet cool days mean lots of time to play outside ... the only problem is both boys are really into eating dirt right now! The nice weather also means longer walks and family bike rides. Today we biked over to a small conservation park close to home with Thomas in the chariot and Hobbes running alongside. 

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"Hmm, maybe if I use my telepathic powers the remote will come to me!"

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Watching the bulldozers make a new road out back

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Daddy and Thomas enjoying the workbench at Grandpa & Grandma Griffiths'Thomas & his grandparents 022.jpg (228066 bytes)

Thomas and his grandparents

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Thomas with his Grandmas

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Thomas with Pops and Grandpa

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"The Boys"

Pops, Daddy, Grandpa & Thomas

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Thanks for the bath Grandpa & Grandma


It's hard to believe Thomas will be one in a couple of months. He is now crawling and into everything, literally.  His most recent ways of keeping his parents on their toes include: taking things off of shelves in the pantry, climbing onto the fireplace hearth and opening the doors to the fireplace, pulling himself into a standing position and "cruising" around the room by means of transferring from one piece of furniture to another. Emptying the dog's bowls (both food and water) seems to be high on his list of things to do, not to mention crawling after Hobbes (who still hasn't figured out if he simply jumps onto a chair Thomas won't be able to reach him). All in all, he lights up our days and since he now regularly sleeps through the night (11 - 12 hours at a go) we have plenty of time to sleep and rest all in preparation for the next day!

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"Let me in!"

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"Hmmm ... what shall I eat today?"

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Falling asleep after a hard day of play is always nice

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Pam & Thomas with Wayland and Louise

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Pam & Thomas with Auntie Tina, Neelish & Ambika

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Thomas & Sophie

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On Sophie's new swingset

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Cheerios anyone?

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What a comfy chair

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Pam & Thomas with Karen and her girl;s Anna & Gabby

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Trying out the new bike helmet

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Thomas & Hobbes' Biker Gang

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"Faster Daddy!"

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In my new "Chariot", thanks Phyllis!