April 30: Thomas is ten months old today! He is changing at a rapid pace, both in his abilities and his personality. He is now officially crawling, although he often choosed to scoot around on his belly as it's still faster for him. He has managed to climb up two stairs and can pull himself to a standing position when anything at an adult's knee level is available to him (knees included). Bath time is probably his favourite time of day, although, anytime involving his bottle or food is up on there too!

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Ten Months Old

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Enjoying bubbles

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Mommy's little "helper"

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"Can I please go play with Hobbes?"

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Outside with Hobbes

April 22: Thomas decided to wake up bright and early to wish my a happy birthday this morning; can't complain seeing as it was because of our early rise that we were able to watch a fox playing in the fields out back and a rabbit jump through our backyard! Yesterday we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Griffiths. We especially enjoyed going for a walk down to the lake. 

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Pam and her son

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Thomas enjoying being down by the lake

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Our family (yes, Hobbes is there too ... in the background)

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The fox in the fields out back 


April 13:  Thomas is spending some quality time with his daddy in the family room ... they're watching the Sens play in game 2 ... Derek is teaching him how to cheer when they score and sigh in dismay when they're scored against! We spent the morning sugaring off with friends Derek used to work with and Thomas was more than happy to eat his Cheerios while we drenched everything in syrup. He had such a good time taking everything in with his curious eyes that by the time we went for a wagon ride, he fell asleep and didn't wake up until he was back in town to have a short visit with his Auntie Tina.

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Crawling through the exersaucer is much more fun then sitting in it!

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Hanging out with daddy and our friend, Teena

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Thomas and Teena

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La tire! Yummy!

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Time for a family picture

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Hanging out with daddy on the wagon ride is too much fun!

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Hobbes is now wearing a shock collar to control his barking, while it has only shocked a handful of times, whenever it does he runs to our lap, or when our laps are full the next best thing, Thomas' chair!

April 8:  What a great first Easter experience! To start it off,  last weekend Thomas celebrated an early Easter with his Auntie Tina, Grandma and Pops. Then on Friday, Thomas had a great time meeting his Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dave for the first time.  Yesterday, Thomas saw his Auntie Tina again as they went to wish Thomas' great-Grannie a Happy Easter. Finally, the big day arrived and with bunny ears on head, Thomas spent his first Easter at his Grandma and Grandpa Griffiths'! To top everything off, Thomas had his nine month check-up on Thursday and while stilll small for his age, the doctor couldn't be more pleased with how he is doing - and how big he is getting (eighteen and a half pounds). She gave the go-ahead to start eating Cheerios, breadsticks and dry toast. Thomas LOVES the first two!!

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I love my new bunny

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The Griffiths Family

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Looking at the birds with Grandpa

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I love breadsticks!

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Yeah, another bath in a sink, my favourite!!

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Out for a walk with my aunt and uncle 

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I love my Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dave 

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Thanks for taking such good care of me Auntie Andrea!

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Hmm, why do only my Auntie's (and Uncle!) have long hair for me to play with?!

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Thanks for my new toys

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Wow, my first Easter "Bonnet"!

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Look at me - I creeped all the way over to this cabinet and just had to check out what was inside!

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Yummy, baking utensils!

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Cute as can be!

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Thomas with his Auntie Tina and Grandma at an early Easter dinner

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Thomas "mesmerized" by  Pops

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There's nothing better than taking a bath in a sink at my grandparents house.