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Thomas with his Auntie Tina

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Thomas' cousins hard at work on a puzzle

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Janice, Jack, Auntie Tina & Thomas 


Today Hobbes "graduated" from a Level One Obedience class. Among other things he can now respond to a visual or verbal cue for: sit, down, stand and stay. When in the stay position I can walk around him or away from him and he stays until I say "okay". He can also bow and roll over with a hand command and target a hand with his nose which leads to walking politely. 

Thomas' first 2 teeth are here, or part way here. He is now sitting on his own for more than 10 seconds at a go and absolutely LOVES using his vocal chords to grunt, coo, and scream.

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Happy Graduation Hobbes!

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Trying out the agility course ... Hobbes was pretty nervous!

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Check out my new p.j.'s, they even came with a hat

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I love my new sweater, booties & hat, thanks for knitting it for me  Grandma Griffiths!

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Look at me, I'm sitting by myself playing with a "big boy" toy.

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We're so happy you're home from the hospital Grandma Griffiths!

Rolling from one side of the room to the other appears to be Thomas' favourite pastime, that and grabbing the keyboard, mouse, remote, etc. He turns his head when he hears his name now and laughs when he sees Hobbes and when his belly or neck are kissed or zurberted. He tested a booster chair at his Grandma & Pops the other day and seemed to really enjoy it as he sat in it not only for his meal, but also while his parents and grandparents ate their meal.

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Pops had to work hard to keep up with Thomas, otherwise known as the eating machine!

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"I love my blue bear"

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Playing with these cups kept me very busy

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Thomas with Grandma 

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Time to get into my p.j.'s

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I love standing up, but I still need help.


Thomas continues to amaze us everyday; Derek has decided that these months are really for the parents since Thomas won't remember any of it yet everything he does makes us smile. He is now rolling around from back to front and front to back with some ease and loves doing so since it means he can gain access to more things around him. He eats three meals a day and while he eats everything put in front of him he definitely prefers cereal over vegetables (just like his mom!)

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Dining at St.Hubert BBQ after a fun morning at Winterlude

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The Griffiths Family

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The Menard Family

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Thomas' first time tubing

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All bundled up

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My thumb tastes better then squash

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Best of pals!

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