Mid-January is here and with it came winter! Finally, some snow for Hobbes to enjoy.  

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Hobbes & Thomas each in their favourite spot.

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Thomas finally fits a sweater knitted for him before his birth by a neighbor; perfect for the cold winter days.

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What a yummy blankey!

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All ready for the snow

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Thanks for babysitting & feeding me so well Grandma Griffiths

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Taken on New Years Eve: Thomas & Grandpa Griffiths trying on the sled

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Happy New Year! 2006 brought a lot of excitement and memories to our family (yes, I'm no longer talking in the third person) and we can only imagine what 2007 has in store for us.

Here's what's been happening with Thomas:

- Today, January 10, Thomas, Derek  and I went to Parent and Tot swimming; Derek took lots of pictures and video of yet another first for Thomas. 

- At a monthly appointment at CHEO last week, Thomas weighed in at 15 pounds - he seems much bigger than that!

- He is still loving eating cereal for breakfast and dinner although he has discovered a grunting sound which he makes whenever he is concentrating. This makes feeding him a wee bit of a challenge as when he grunts his tongue pushes out which in turn pushes out his food!

- He's finally starting to nap in his crib without too much fussing, last week he cried for a half hour when put down, today it was only 10 minutes.

- Thomas is really interested in Hobbes. He reaches out to touch/grab him whenever he walks by. Fortunately, Hobbes has developed a "run away" habit whenever he realizes it's Thomas that's touching him. On the other hand, Hobbes has now begun to understand that Thomas is a living being and as such whenever Derek and I aren't in the mood to play with him, he now brings his toys to Thomas! Hobbes starts obedience classes again this week; he still needs to develop manners when new people enter his domain.

- Thomas goes for his six month check-up tomorrow - hard to believe he's already that old!

Now on to the first batch of pictures for 2007 ...

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Thomas enjoying having Gram & Pops so close!

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Ah, finally a "big boy" chair ... it's a little TOO big to sit in independently, but Thomas loves sitting in it when mommy or daddy are close by.

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Tummy time with daddy

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Thomas & Gram reading a magazine ... actually it was more like Thomas trying to chew the magazine!

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Getting ready to take the plunge - some babies went in all the way (completely submersed) Thomas and mommy gave it a shot but Thomas came up crying leaving mommy feeling nervous - we'll try again next week :)

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That's it Thomas, grab the boat

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Going down a slide with the swimming instructor

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Thomas and mommy

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Thomas napping