Christmas has come and gone, and with it came many happy memories of Thomas' first Christmas. From spending time with his aunt, great aunt and great-great aunt to going for his first walk in the snow in his new handcrafted sled  to being adored by all his grandparents, it is definitely safe to say Thomas was showered with love. Thomas also started eating solids a bit before Christmas and while he is not fond of being strapped into his high chair (or anything for that matter) he clearly enjoys eating cereal ... he must take after his mom!

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Trying out my new high chair as I help mommy with some baking

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Ummm, yummy food!

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Ummm, yummy spoon!

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Are you for real? Santa's coming tonight?

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Christmas morning, time for more cereal

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Opening my stocking

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Chewing on Pop's finger is better than a gift

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Wow, look at my new sled, thanks Grandpa & Grandma Griffiths!

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Oh I just love my new shirt, thanks Liana & Chad :)

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Enjoying the snowfall on Boxing Day

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Please sir, I want some more!

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Mommy's boys


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Playing with Jen & Sophie

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Waiting for Grams and Pop's flight to arrive

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We're happy you're home!

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Thank you for my toy Sophie, I already love playing with it



Time seems to be flying by faster than usual. Thomas has begun to enjoy the holiday lights strung around the house as well as the festive music playing in the background. He helped to decorate his first Christmas tree, and hung a special ornament from his Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dave. Smiles are abounding in the Griffiths' house, the more Thomas smiles, the more his parents smile and vice versa. He now has more control of his hands which he seems to appreciate as this means he is better able to grab toys that he can then stick in his mouth. At five months old, Thomas is still only weighing approximately 13 pounds, but is growing in length like a weed. 

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Relaxing with daddy

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Napping in my favourite place, the swing

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Play time is so much fun

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Hanging my "T" ornament with mommy