
* We're now trying to resize the photos for those of you who had a hard time when clicking on the thumbnail (smaller image below); the images are now approx. 150KB instead of 1.25MB which should mean you can see the entire photo without having to scroll; it should also decrease the load up time for those of you using dial-up. 

Today is November 15. This past Friday, Thomas had a first in a series of 5 monthly shots at CHEO to help protect him against having a type of lung infection from a common cold, which plagues some premature babies due to their underdeveloped lungs. As usual, Thomas was a real trouper both while getting the needle and afterwards. He has been working real hard to find his thumb to suck on, so far he has managed to find some fingers that tasted pretty good. He is now beginning to become more engaged with certain toys, especially ones that dangle near his head that he can hit at and occasionally grab. Both Pam & Derek continue to be amazed at how much a baby can grow and change. It seems as though he outgrows an outfit every other day and that he is able to do something new, like laugh, every few days. 

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Enjoying the cool weather in my new snowsuit

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Yummy fingers!

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Watching football with daddy

After a week of feeling under the weather with his first bout of diarrhea, it was time for more shots at his four month check-up. He now measures 59.5 cm and weighs 12 pounds 11 ounces. On Friday the third, Thomas went to meet some of his third cousins. He had a great time watching everyone play.  Thomas is giving smiles away pretty easily, can push himself up on his forearms and can sit whit support.

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Watching the big boys play

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Cousin Jack looks on as his mommy holds Thomas

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Cousin William being gentle with Thomas

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Cousin Gabby and Karen with Thomas

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Thomas, meet your great aunt Jackie

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