September 30, 2006

Thomas celebrated his first Thanksgiving today, yes, it was more than a week early! He was awake and alert throughout the entire meal and seemed to enjoy the turkey & fixings (which he had at his next feeding via breast milk!)

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Watching the adults eat their turkey dinner.

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After dessert Thomas finally got to join the party!

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September 29, 2006

Yesterday Thomas had his first "play date" although he slept through most of it. Pam took him to visit Heather (a former co-worker) and her 2 daughters, Samantha & Eva. Eva is only 2 months older than Thomas, while Sam is two and a half years old and a very gentle big sister. He seems to be "smiling" more often, but Pam & Derek are not entirely convinced it's a true smile yet. Hobbes continues to be a great around Thomas and is always excited to see him when he's been out for a while. Daily walks are getting longer as the weather cools off during which time Thomas is now awake for short portions, and while he is definitely taking in his surroundings at home, he hasn't showed too much interest (yet) in the outdoors.

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Okay, while this isn't exactly a photo of Thomas, it sure is cute! Hobbes has taken up sitting in Pam's paternal grandfather's favourite chair to keep a watch on EVERYTHING that goes on outside.

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Snuggled up with mom after bath time.

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Eva, Sam & Thomas

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After a day of "playing" it was time for more napping!

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The matching outfits were NOT planned.

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September 23, 2006

Still having a hard time seeing the pictures? Try downloading Mozilla Firefox as your internet browser.

This week, Thomas got over his first cold and once again proved what a trouper he is! He, Hobbes & Pam still go on daily walks while Derek is busy at work. Hobbes continues to play the role of protector around Thomas, wagging his tail when he is allowed up close, and hovering near by if Thomas is upset. Grams and Pops called today and heard Thomas in the background, while we miss them both we are very excited for them and love hearing about their adventures in the Australian Outback. Some old co-workers and friends of Derek's came to meet Thomas yesterday and had the pleasure of seeing him awake, and they even gave him a bottle, changed his diaper and got him all ready for bed! Today, Pam, Derek, Thomas & Hobbes took a trip out to Carleton Place to see how Grams' and Pops' new home is coming along, as you can see from the photo, this wiped Thomas out! Afterwards, they all drove over to see Grandma & Grandpa and had a great visit with them and their dog, Maurie.

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A tired Thomas rests in the car after helping to measure the walls in Grams' & Pops' new home.

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I love my daddy!

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And my daddy loves me!

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September 15, 2006

Thomas is eleven weeks old!

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Thomas got his first "developmental" toy ... he can lie on his tummy or back and play (or for now, stare at) the many dangly items that are different textures & colours and make different noises. At times, Hobbes likes to join in, he mainly opts to chew his bone on the mat but when he is feeling left out, he bats at the hanging toy that plays music. When Thomas is a bit fussy, he tends to quiet down when placed on the mat - at least for a while.  Pam became quite sick on Tuesday with a cold that continued into the weekend, and which Thomas picked up by Wednesday. Thomas only seemed to become congested, fortunately, his appetite was not affected. He slept a bit more than usual and wanted to be held when awake, but otherwise he was none the worse for wear. 

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September 10, 2006

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Today, Pam and Thomas drove to Montreal together to attend a baby shower. Thomas slept soundly the entire way down & was in good, albeit sleepy, spirits throughout the day. First stop was a short visit with Jen, Sophie & Frank for lunch ~ Sophie (almost 2 years old) is great with Thomas and loves to say "baby". Then onto the baby shower where many people commented on how small Thomas was ... which makes both Pam & Derek laugh as he seems so big to them now! Finally, Pam & Thomas went to visit long time family friends, Louise & Wayland Amy & Karen Selvage. It was great seeing their faces light up as they held and watched Thomas, who fortunately was wide awake for most of the visit. Aunt Tina was also there for the visit and was smiling the entire time. It was funny to hear her mention multiple times how big he was (finally, someone who sees him the same as Pam & Derek). She especially noticed his chubby legs, a big difference from the loose skin that hung from his chicken legs while he was in the hospital. The drive home was also quiet, although both Pam & Thomas were more than ready for bed when they got home. 

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2006-09-10 - Thomas & Karen Selvage.jpg (1310353 bytes)

September 8, 2006

2006-09-10 - Thomas, Derek, & Hobbes.jpg (1008464 bytes)

As Daddy works on the computer,  Hobbes sleeps soundly & Thomas stares at yet another fascinating & new object ... the wall! 

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"Kissy, Kissy"

September 6 & 7, 2006

Watch Video of Thomas Turning His Head

Watch Video of Thomas With Hobbes

September 1, 2006

"Tummy Tub 101"

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Prepare for the Tummy Tub by removing all clothes, remove diaper at last minute to avoid getting sprayed!

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Place the Tummy Tub on towel in case of splashing

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Carefully place baby in Tummy Tub

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Don't forget to support the neck!

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Switch off with daddy when mommy's arms grow tired

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Remind the dog it is NOT his drinking bowl (although Thomas didn't seem to mind the intrusion!) 

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Slip into warm hooded towel when done