July 30, 2006

2006-07-30 011.jpg (1325331 bytes)

Thanks for feeding me my bottle Aunt Tina

2006-07-30 012.jpg (1311530 bytes)

2006-07-30 018-1.jpg (769343 bytes)

Looking proud

2006-07-30 020.jpg (1291436 bytes)

Looking sleepy

2006-07-30 023.jpg (1341994 bytes)

Check out my new wheels!

2006-07-30 034.jpg (1309012 bytes)

2006-07-30 041.jpg (1304972 bytes)

Chicken legs

July 26, 27 & 28, 2006

(Check out the "Nursery " link to see Thomas' room)

2006-07-26-27-28 029.jpg (1317087 bytes)

Our family

2006-07-26-27-28 004-1.jpg (973217 bytes)

Thomas & Pops

2006-07-26-27-28 009-1.jpg (953490 bytes)

Thomas & Grams

2006-07-26-27-28 018.jpg (1340111 bytes)

Mom, Thomas & Hobbes going on their first walk together

2006-07-26-27-28 020.jpg (1289906 bytes)

Thomas & Grandpa Griffiths

2006-07-26-27-28 021.jpg (1293350 bytes)

Thomas & Grandma Griffiths

2006-07-26-27-28 036.jpg (1317892 bytes)

In my BIG crib

2006-07-26-27-28 040-1.jpg (929510 bytes)

Great-Aunt Heather


Tuesday July 25, 2006

2006-07-25 032.jpg (1309852 bytes)

Are you sure I'm really going home?

2006-07-25 034.jpg (1281257 bytes)

2006-07-25 044.jpg (1283719 bytes)

Putting on my special going home sweater 

2006-07-25 049.jpg (1289989 bytes)

2006-07-25 054.jpg (1321353 bytes)

Thanks for the sweater Grandma Griffiths

2006-07-25 056-1.jpg (986420 bytes)

Snuggled in as tight as the straps will go

2006-07-25 059.jpg (1302133 bytes)

In the car, sucking away 

2006-07-25 062.jpg (1311626 bytes)

Hobbes, meet Thomas

2006-07-25 068.jpg (1302788 bytes)

2006-07-25 070.jpg (1316392 bytes)

Hobbes, leave Thomas alone

2006-07-25 073.jpg (1293647 bytes)

Thanks for my first bed Great-Aunt Ditte

Saturday July 22, 2006

2006-07-25 017.jpg (1327692 bytes)

Grandpa holding his first grandson

2006-07-25 020.jpg (1328966 bytes)

Grandma holding her first grandson

Friday July 21, 2006

2006-07-20 001.jpg (1320561 bytes)

No more nose tube (at least for now!)

2006-07-20 011.jpg (1345559 bytes)

Out of the Isolette & back in a crib 

2006-07-20 012-1.jpg (956065 bytes)

Bottle time

2006-07-20 018-1.jpg (856667 bytes)

Jen & Thomas 

2006-07-20 020.jpg (1318941 bytes)

Tuesday & Wednesday July 18 & 19, 2006

2006-07-18&19 003.jpg (1271268 bytes)

2006-07-18&19 004.jpg (1272175 bytes)

2006-07-18&19 017.jpg (1265548 bytes)

2006-07-18&19 019.jpg (1316910 bytes)

2006-07-18&19 020.jpg (1334661 bytes)

2006-07-18&19 024.jpg (1309514 bytes)

2006-07-18&19 030.jpg (1304192 bytes)

Monday July 17, 2006

2006-07-17 002.jpg (1289545 bytes)

2006-07-17 004.jpg (1306811 bytes)

No nose  tube (for a few minutes :)

2006-07-17 011.jpg (1323291 bytes)

2006-07-17 014.jpg (1289066 bytes)

Look at my new sleeper

2006-07-17 020.jpg (1257036 bytes)

2006-07-17 025.jpg (1336835 bytes)

The transport team getting Thomas ready to move to the Ottawa Civic Hospital

2006-07-17 028.jpg (1310211 bytes)


Sunday July 16, 2006

2006-07-16 001.jpg (1285394 bytes)

2006-07-16 006.jpg (1321130 bytes)

2006-07-16 014.jpg (1308014 bytes)

2006-07-16 016.jpg (1321714 bytes)

2006-07-16 018.jpg (1332482 bytes)

2006-07-16 032.jpg (1314846 bytes)

Saturday July 15, 2006

2006-07-15 001.jpg (1320272 bytes)

2006-07-15 007.jpg (832738 bytes)

Looking stronger every day

2006-07-15 009-1.jpg (716584 bytes)

2006-07-15 011.jpg (828395 bytes)

Getting ready for my first bath by mom

2006-07-15 016.jpg (1309331 bytes)

2006-07-15 018.jpg (1307545 bytes)

Enjoying getting my head wet

2006-07-15 030.jpg (1322088 bytes)

2006-07-15 031.jpg (1319372 bytes)

Not enjoying being naked in a bowl of water

2006-07-15 042.jpg (1323820 bytes)

My first bottle from mom

2006-07-15 044.jpg (1324346 bytes)

2006-07-15 045.jpg (856519 bytes)

Trying not to fall asleep while I eat

Friday July 14, 2006

(Happy Birthday to Grandma Hyde)

2006-07-14 003.jpg (1322827 bytes)

All dressed up (thanks for the hat, Aunt Tina)

2006-07-14 004.jpg (1302613 bytes)

Holding on tight to daddy's finger

2006-07-14 007.jpg (853994 bytes)

2006-07-14 008.jpg (1327831 bytes)

2006-07-14 009.jpg (626226 bytes)

2006-07-14 013.jpg (871227 bytes)

Looking like a sailor (Thanks for the blanket, Susan!)

2006-07-14 018.jpg (692021 bytes)

2006-07-14 022.jpg (842360 bytes)

Being held by mommy "Kangaroo" style

2006-07-14 023.jpg (736221 bytes)

2006-07-14 024.jpg (1308099 bytes)

2006-07-14 025.jpg (1303782 bytes)

Thursday July 13, 2006

2006-07-13 001.jpg (1288973 bytes)

2006-07-13 003.jpg (1307268 bytes)

Swaddled in one of his own blankets

2006-07-13 004.jpg (1259375 bytes)

2006-07-13 009.jpg (1295445 bytes)

2006-07-13 013.jpg (1303534 bytes)

This hat was from a nurse in Kingston, but is still too big

2006-07-13 016.jpg (1300762 bytes)

2006-07-13 018.jpg (1313429 bytes)

Squirmed down till my bum was up

2006-07-13 023.jpg (1313190 bytes)

Wednesday July 12, 2006

2006-07-12 004.jpg (774564 bytes)

Aunt Tina & Thomas

2006-07-12 007.jpg (1310186 bytes)

Aunt Tina's hands are looking quite big!

2006-07-12 008.jpg (1316206 bytes)

2006-07-12 009.jpg (1263402 bytes)

Asleep, again!

2006-07-12 015.jpg (1289871 bytes)

2006-07-12 017.jpg (1294927 bytes)

Enjoying being on my belly

Tuesday July 11, 2006

2006-07-11 002.jpg (843232 bytes)

In Mommy's arms again

2006-07-11 005.jpg (1334094 bytes)

2006-07-11 007.jpg (944968 bytes)[

2006-07-11 010.jpg (1323093 bytes)

All snuggled in for a long nap

2006-07-11 012.jpg (1329222 bytes)

2006-07-11 016.jpg (1317211 bytes)

2006-07-11 020.jpg (1324938 bytes)

Awake & ready to be fed

Monday, July 10, 2006

2006-07-10 001.jpg (1290031 bytes)

Sound asleep in my Isolette

2006-07-10 004.jpg (1311709 bytes)

Taking it all in

2006-07-10 005.jpg (1336292 bytes)

2006-07-10 006.jpg (1309708 bytes)

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Eyes Open.jpg (1316557 bytes)

Eyes wide open today

Posing.jpg (1320375 bytes)

Posing for yet another picture

Mom waiting to Hold Thomas.jpg (851245 bytes)

Mom waiting to hold her son

Mom holding Thomas.jpg (1340194 bytes)

Cozy in Mom's arms.jpg (1304349 bytes)

Looking somewhat like Sleepy Smurf

Mom & Thomas.jpg (1315260 bytes)

Dad & Thomas.jpg (853628 bytes)

Daddy's boy

Snuggled Up with Dad.jpg (1306577 bytes)

Dad & Thomas 2.jpg (1296369 bytes)

Proud Papa

Sound Asleep.jpg (1305591 bytes)

Friday, July 7, 2006


Thomas & Hobbes Jr..jpg (1300752 bytes)

Stretching.jpg (1264823 bytes)

Mommy's finger & Thomas' foot.jpg (1288330 bytes)

Mom changing Thomas' poopy diaper.jpg (1324610 bytes)

Grandma Griffiths.jpg (1285042 bytes)

Grandpa Griffiths.jpg (941589 bytes)

Grandad Hyde.jpg (1328481 bytes)

Grandma Hyde.jpg (857530 bytes)

Thursday, July 6, 2006

With Daddy's Hand.jpg (1314360 bytes)

Daddy & Thomas.jpg (1308254 bytes)

Mom & Thomas.jpg (1306613 bytes)

Resting.jpg (1315446 bytes)

July 5, 2006 ~ Thomas at CHEO

2006-07-05 007.jpg (1325914 bytes)

Daddy got to change his first diaper today ... it was the first time someone other than a nurse had changed Thomas' diaper. Derek was "christened" by Thomas several times during the changing.

2006-07-05 001.jpg (1308885 bytes)

2006-07-05 002.jpg (1325882 bytes)

2006-07-05 004.jpg (1264633 bytes)

2006-07-05 005.jpg (1329610 bytes)

2006-07-05 006.jpg (1336572 bytes)

horizontal rule

Thomas' first few days at Kingston General Hospital 

My First 'Home'.JPG (1308825 bytes)

In the Incubator.JPG (1321379 bytes)

Getting Cozy.JPG (27155 bytes)

Daddy & Mommy Looking Proud.JPG (35458 bytes)

FirstTime Being Held by Mommy.JPG (34067 bytes)

Giving the Finger.JPG (1323774 bytes)

Holding on Tight to Mommy's Finger.JPG (1245075 bytes)

Loving my First Soother.JPG (1320943 bytes)

Ohhh!.JPG (1308904 bytes)

horizontal rule